VLADIMIR MILADINOVIĆ (*1981 Belgrade) Miladinović’s main interests lie with the politics of remembering, media manipulation and the creation and reinterpretation of the history. His work engages with war and post-war trauma. It deals with media, forensics, political and ethical identification and presentation of war crimes, but also with current transitional ideologies of denial and erasure. It questions how media and institutions in the post-war societies create public space, consequently shaping collective memory. He is using art as a forum to create a counter-public sphere that raises question about war, media propaganda, manipulation of narrative, historical responsibility and intellectual engagement. He was the laureate of the 53rd October Salon Award in Belgrade and has exhibited widely across Europe, at the SMBA – Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands), Artium – Basque Museum Centre of Contemporary Art (Vitoria, Spain), Münchner Stadtmuseum (Munich, Germany), Salzburger Künstverein (Salzburg, Austria), FreiraumQ21 – Museumsquartier (Vienna, Austria), CACT-Thessaloniki Center Of Contemporary Art (Thessaloniki, Greece) etc.

VLADIMIR MILADINOVIĆ (*1981 Belgrade) Miladinović’s main interests lie with the politics of remembering, media manipulation and the creation and reinterpretation of the history. His work engages with war and post-war trauma. It deals with media, forensics, political and ethical identification and presentation of war crimes, but also with current transitional ideologies of denial and erasure. It questions how media and institutions in the post-war societies create public space, consequently shaping collective memory. He is using art as a forum to create a counter-public sphere that raises question about war, media propaganda, manipulation of narrative, historical responsibility and intellectual engagement. He was the laureate of the 53rd October Salon Award in Belgrade and has exhibited widely across Europe, at the SMBA – Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands), Artium – Basque Museum Centre of Contemporary Art (Vitoria, Spain), Münchner Stadtmuseum (Munich, Germany), Salzburger Künstverein (Salzburg, Austria), FreiraumQ21 – Museumsquartier (Vienna, Austria), CACT-Thessaloniki Center Of Contemporary Art (Thessaloniki, Greece) etc.



Nondescript Places, Ravnikar, Ljubljana, Slovenia


When Language is Lost. Possibilities of Art In The  Face of War: One Day With Anti War Coalition, ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany
At therapy, Navigator art space, Belgrade, Serbia


The Notebook, Eugster || Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia


Kino, Lumbardhi Cinema, Prizren, Kosovo
Your Truth, Interpretation and Nostalgia: Saša Tkačenko / Vladimir Miladinović, (Curated by Silvia Bakker), Parts Project Gallery, The Hague, Netherlands


Η αναπαράσταση της αμφιλεγόμενης μνήμης, Donopoulos Fine Arts, (Curated by Syrago Tsiara), Thessaloniki, Greece

Disturbed Soil, Eugster || Belgrade, (Curated by Natalija Paunic), Belgrade, Serbia


Hasanović|Miladinović, Belgrade Cultural Center, Gallery Podroom, Belgrade, Serbia


Between knoledge and imagination, MMSU – Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka, Croatia
Drawing rectafication, Stacion Gallery, (Curated by Albert Heta), Pristina, Kosovo


Rendered history, Gallery Moderna, Subotica, Serbia


Kninjas – Knights of Srpska Krajina, MKC – Multimedial Cultural Center , Split, Croatia
Kninjas – Knights of Srpska Krajina, Cultural center Ribnica, Kraljevo, Serbia


Golden age, Magacin u Kraljevića Marka, Kontekst kolektiv, Belgrade, Serbia


Worker in protest, Mesna zajednica Novi Beograd, Kontekst kolektiv, Belgrade, Serbia


No Gun No Respect, Gallery SULUJ, Belgrade, Serbia



SUPERPOZICIJA SREDINGEROVE MACKE, (Curated by Mia David), Novembar, Belgrade, Serbia


EVROVIZION: CROSSING STORIES AND SPACES by ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) in cooperation with Goethe-Institut Athen and EMΣT, the National Museum of Contemporary Art Athens, Greece


Pazi snajper (Watch out, a sniper), (Curated by Paul Lowe), EnDziO HUB, Belgrade, Serbia
Artikulacije 3, (Curated by Ivana Ivković), Contemporary Art gallery, Subotica, Serbia
Ovo je mural (This is a mural), (Curated by Dejam Vasić), Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade, Serbia


Evrovizion.Crossing Stories And Spaces, The Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia



ARCO Madrid Art Fair, Eugster || Belgrade, Madrid
FALIS Festival, Sibenik, Croatia


Skriveno nasleđe, Golubački grad Fortress, Golubac, Serbia
Memoria Bosniaca, PARK, London College of  Communication, London, UK


Re-conciliations, The Exchange, Bush House, King’s College, (Curated by Paul Lowe & Milena Mihalski), London, UK
Re-conciliations, History museum of BiH, (Curated by Paul Lowe & Elma Hasimbegovic), Sarajevo, BiH
The Sea Is the Limit, (Curated by Varvara Shvarova) York Art Gallery, York, UK
Testimony, Truth or Politics, (Curated by Noa Treister and Zoran Eric) Volkskundemuseum, Vienna, Austria
Art Genève salon d’art, Gallery Eugster Belgrade, Geneve, Switzerland


Testimony, Truth or Politics, (Curated by Noa Treister and Zoran Eric), Legat Čolaković, Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade, Serbia
Vladimir Veličkovic Drawing Award, Gallery Haos,Belgrade, Serbia
12th Biennial of Watercolor (Curated by Sladjana Varagic), Contemporary gallery Zrenjanin, Serbia
Testimony, Truth or Politics, (Curated by Noa Treister and Zoran Eric) Boccanera Gallery, Trento, Italy
5th Odessa Biennale “Turbulence Area”, (Curated by Mikhail Rashkovetsky), Odessa, Ukraine
6th Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art “Imagined
Homes”, Thessaloniki, Greece
Otpor, pokret, promjena – fragmenti aktivističkih i umjetničkih praksi od 1980tih naovamo, Galerija SC, Zagreb, Croatia



Selection 2016, Laufer/Eugster Gallery, Swiss embassy residence, Belgrade, Serbia
The age of nation, Knoll Gallerie, (Curated by Hans Knoll & Ulrike Payerhofer), Vienna, Austria
Ajnhajt Club, (Curated by Bogomir Doringer), Freiraum Q21, Vienna, Austria
As rights go by – On loss of rights and lack of rights, (Curated by Sabine Winkler), Freiraum Q21, Vienna, Austria
Nes(a)vršene strukture (Curated by Zorana Đaković Minniti, Marta Kiš, Karla Pudar), Galerija SC, Zagreb, Croatia
Past is now, Photodocs Traveling exhibition, Slovenia, Croatia, BiH, Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro


A Moving Identity, NW Gallery – Cambridge Science Park, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Tudje haljine, Lazareti, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Past is now, Photodocs, Münchner Stadtmuseum, Munich, Germany
Unarasable, Dokufest, Prizren, Kosovo
Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space, „Shared Space – Music Weather Politics 2013 – 2016“, Prague, Chech Republic
Proleće. Umetnost i društvo, Likovni salon Doma kulture,Čačak, Serbia
Resolution 827, SMBA – Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam (Curated by Zoran Erić and Jelle Bouwhuis), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Etiquette: Good Maintenance And Polite Behaviour, New acquisitions in the October Salon Collection (Curated by Aleksandra Estela Bjelica), Cultural Center Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Invisible Violence (Curated by Blanca De la Torre, Zoran Erić, Seamus Kealy) Künstverein, Salzburg, Austria


Work presentation of the artist in residency, Austellungsraum des Bundeskanzleramtes, Wien, Austria
Nes(a)vršene strukture, Cultural Center Belgrade – Gallery Podroom, Belgrade, Serbia
Invisible Violence (Curated by Blanca De la Torre, Zoran Erić, Seamus Kealy), Artium, Basque Museum – Centre of Contemporary Art, Vitoria, Spain
Invisible Violence (Curated by Blanca De la Torre, Zoran Erić, Seamus Kealy), Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade, Serbia
Ko to tamo peva.. 27. Memorial Nadežda Petrović(Curated by Dejan Sretenović), Čačak, Serbia
Trip to Europe / The missing amount (Curated by Mia David & Zorana Djakovic Minniti) Ehemaliges Tschechisches Kulturzentrum, Berlin, Germany
Trip to Europe / I want to speak about war, (Curated by Mia David & Zorana Djakovic Minniti), Klovićevi Dvori Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
Trip to Europe / Peace, Peace, Peace, (Curated by Mia David&Zorana Djakovic Minniti), Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Trip To Europe / With Herous and Witnesses, (Curated by Mia David&Zorana Djakovic Minniti), Moderna Galerija, Subotica, Serbia


Der Weg Nach Europa mit Princip(ien) oder ohne, (Curated by Mia David & Zorana Djakovic Minniti), Palais Porcia, Vienna, Austria
25. Adria Art Annale, Dioklecijanovi podrumi, Split, Croatia • 4. Biennial of Visual Arts, Čacak, Serbia
Errors Allowed , Mediterranea 16 Young Artists Biennial (Curated by Charlotte Bank, Alessandro Castiglioni, Nadira Laggoune, Delphine Leccas, Slobodne Veze/Loose Associations, Marco Trulli, Claudio Zecchi.), Ancona, Italy
Awkwardness in culture (Curated by Jana Stojaković), Gallery Ozon, Belgrade, Serbia


Places of Memory – Fields of Vision (Curated by Syrago Tsiara), Contemporary Art Center, Thessaloniki, Greece
Exhibition of the laureates of the “Vladimir Veličković fund for drawing”, Galery HAOS, Belgrade, Serbia
Good life, 53rd October salon, (Curated by Branko Dimitrijevic and Mika Hannula) Belgrade, Serbia
De/rekonstrukcija: prostor/vreme/sećanje, 15th Biennial of Art, Pančevo, Serbia (Curated by Nikola Dedić and Aneta Stojnić)
WG Four faces of Omarska “Working gathering: Film Bulletin Četiri lica Omarske – Projection of raw video material and public discussion
Working group SC: Politics of (de) marking of suffering places, [BLOK] in Correspondence with WG Four faces of Omarska, Public working meeting, Student center, Zagreb,Croatia


Hands aufs Hartz, Student exhibition of the International Summer Academy of Fine Arts, Festungspiele, Salzburg, Austria
Golden age, Sound and Visions – Multimedia Festival, Majdanpek, Serbia


Anonymous Drawings No 10, International Drawings Exhibition, Berlin, Germany
Without Borders?, Some critical reflections on European global border conditions, Group Exhibition, Magacin Kraljevica Marka, Belgrade, Serbia
Multipoint, Workshop exhibition, Gallery Universum, Nitra, Slovakia
Mining, International conference, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
Invited Speaker, “Questioning Transitional Dynamics in Re-Defining Cultural Identities in South Eastern Europe”, International Conference Peace Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia



The Reluctant Screen Shot Collector, Vladimir Miladinović and Stephenie Young, Journal of Visual Culture, Harun Farocki Insitut #44


Kritik an der Serbischen Kulturpolitik- “Weggeworfen, vergessen oder verleugnet”, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Berlin, Germany
INTERVIEW “Pomirenje je devalvirani termin”, Oslobodjenje Magazine, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Rendered History, Witness Between History and Memory Magazine, Stephenie A. Young, Brussels, Belgium
Raw View Magazine, Helsinki, Finland


Acts of Acknowledgment, by Lura Limani, Prishtina Insight, Pristina, Kosovo
AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, Issue No. 9, FMK, Belgrade, Serbia
Four Faces of Omarska, Forum ZFD, Belgrade, Serbia
Post-Yugoslav Constellations: Archive, Memory, and Trauma in Contemporary Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian Literature and Culture, Vlad Beronja & Stijn Vervaet (Eds.), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston
On Productive Shame, Reconciliation, and Agency, Edited by Suzana Milevska, Sternberg Press, Berlin


Rendered History, Forum ZFD, Belgrade, Serbia


Forensic The Architecture of Public Truth, Edited by Forensic Architecture, Sternberg Press, Berlin


Externalisation of Memory through Visual Media, Theatre Film Television, Službeni Glasnik, Belgrade, Serbia


Politicization of Memory Through the Monument Culture, Paper  for the project Questioning Transitional Dynamics in Re-Defining Cultural Identities in South Eastern Europe



Archives and Embodiment Conference / Invited Speaker, UAL – Central Saint Martins, London, UK


Forensic Aesthetics / Artist Talk, UAL – London College of Communication, London, UK


Emerging Consequences: Aesthetics in the Aftermath of Atrocity / Invited Speaker, Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Salem State University, Boston, USA
Why Remember? – Memory and Forgetting in Times of War and Its Aftermath / Keynote Speaker, WARM Festival 2017, Sarajevo, BiH
Rendered history / Artist Talk, Arts and Sciences Center for Europian and Mediterranean Studies, New York University, New York, USA
Rendered History: Reclaiming the Truth of War in the Former Yugoslavia / Artist Talk, Herriman Institut, Columbia University, New York, USA
Redrawing the Boundaries of Knowledge / Artist Talk, Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Salem State University, Boston, USA


Between Facts and Fiction / Artist Talk, ZFD-Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst, Pristina, Kosovo


Living Death Camp and Forensic Aesthetics: Where Subjugated Knowledge is Sociability Occurs / Invited Speaker, Public working gatherings (meetings, lectures, discussions), Initiative Of Contemporary Art and Theory / Goldsmiths University / Centre for Cultural Decontamination, CZKD, Belgrade, Serbia
Dealing with the Past in Serbia: What next? / Invited Speaker, (Organisation: BKV Fund, Fund “Heinrich Boll”, Center for Cultural Decontamination), Peoples Library of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
Theories of the Culture of Memory / Lecture, Culture of memory Platform, 15th  Biennial of Art De/rekonstrukcija: prostor/vreme/sećanje, Pančevo, Serbia


Omarska ist das Echo von Auschwitz / Keynote Speaker, Konferenz in der Friedensstadt Linz,  Zentrum der zeitgemäßen Initiativen, Linz, Austria
On the Surface: The Heritage of Mines and Mining / Invited Speaker, International conference,  University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
Questioning Transitional Dynamics in Re-Defining Cultural Identities in South Eastern Europe / Invited Speaker, International Conference Peace Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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